Guidance for New Executive Orders and Deferred Resignation

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) is working with Congress to do its job and act as a Constitutional counterweight to the actions of a president.

NFFE is particularly focused on the violations of federal law and regulations perpetrated by the Trump administration every day to terminate or remove federal employees from their jobs, access and leak their personal information, and illegally redirect funding provided by Congress. NFFE is working with Democratic leadership to introduce bills and launch investigations to prevent more damage to the civil service.

NFFE's legal team is coordinating with partner labor unions and pro-democracy advocacy groups to determine the best path forward as it relates to filing lawsuits. Before any lawsuit is filed, we must ensure it is viable and not a waste of valuable resources.

NFFE is also seeking movement on a constitutional amendment to rebalance the powers of the three branches of government. The U.S. Republic relies on a system of checks and balances. That balance has been tipped, and the current Congress led by Republicans is taking a subservient role to the White House, threatening our Democracy and its institutions.