Today, NFFE would like to congratulate Bryanna Gordon of Hamilton, MT and Rachel McFalls of Brandon, MS on winning the first annual Richard N. Memorial Scholarships. Each was awarded with $1,000 toward furthering their collegiate education this school year.
Gordon, the daughter of NFFE Local 60 member and Lolo National Forest Budget Analyst Patricia Gordon, will be studying at the University of Great Falls in Great Falls, Montana. Beginning her Freshman year just last week, she has chosen to major in Biology. After college she would like to pursue dentistry, a career that has fascinated her since sixth grade.
Our other winner, Rachel McFalls, is the daughter of Local 589 member Janice McFalls, an accountant at the G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery VA Medical Center in Jackson, MS. She recently began her Sophomore year at Mississippi State University, where she majors in aerospace engineering. After graduation she would like to work as an engineer at NASA, or as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force.
“We are pleased to award the Richard N. Brown Scholarships to these very qualified young women,” said NFFE National President William R. Dougan. “Their commitment to scholarship and hard work today will give them the tools they need to for a lifetime of success. Rick would be proud of what they have accomplished.”
The scholarships, named for late NFFE National President Richard N. Brown, are awarded once each year to qualified NFFE members or children of NFFE members. Applications for the 2011 scholarship competition will be available for download in January. To learn more about the Richard N. Brown Memorial Scholarship, click here.
If you wish to contribute to the Richard N. Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund, click here. Your contributions will ensure that Rick’s legacy of selfless stewardship of federal employees will continue for years to come.