Following a tumultuous 2013, which included a 16-day government shutdown, sequestration-related furloughs, and continued attacks on federal jobs, pay, and benefits, 2014 presents a unique opportunity for federal workers to turn the tide and start seeing movement on Capitol that actually favors federal employees. The time is now to let Congress know your story and educate them on the issues important to federal employees. And there is no better time to do that than at the 2014 IAM Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.
Taking place from May 12 -15, 2014, NFFE and the IAM will bring Union brothers and sisters together from around the country to storm Capitol Hill. This is your opportunity as a NFFE-IAM member to let Congress understand the impact their reckless policy decisions have had on America’s federal workforce. Legislative Conference is an important NFFE-IAM event, and every Local from around the country should attempt to make arrangements to send at least one Local Lodge delegate to Washington, D.C. for the conference.
Registration and detailed information about the 2014 IAM Legislative Conference can be found by clicking here. Please be certain to register by May 5, 2014. If you plan on staying at the Hyatt Regency Washington hotel (where the conference is being held) the deadline for reservations is April 3, 2014 (today).
Sick of having your pension contributions jacked up? You need to let your members of Congress know. Is a one percent pay adjustment woefully insufficient following a three-year pay freeze? You need to let your members of Congress and Senators know. Did furloughs have a detrimental impact on you and your co-workers? You need to let Congress know. The 2014 IAM Legislative Conference is the perfect time to share your story.
Having the opportunity to speak with your members of Congress and their staff regarding the issues most important to you is an incredible opportunity. Without you, members of Congress may never hear from their constituents regarding the damage their policies inflict on federal employees. That is why it is crucial that you, along with your NFFE-IAM brothers and sisters from around the country, come together in a week of solidarity taking action on Capitol Hill.
Aside from the time spent on Capitol Hill, conference attendees will have numerous opportunities to socialize with NFFE-IAM brothers and sisters from around the country. Included in the three-day conference is a reception for NFFE-IAM members, hosted by the IAM. There will be social opportunities each night to interact with other members of NFFE Locals from around the country, often with many events featuring special guests – including members of Congress. NFFE also will be honoring several NFFE Locals with annual organizing and recruitment awards.
We hope you can make it. Sign up for the 2014 IAM Legislative Conference today!