Internal NFFE News
January 14, 2025
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) applauds the signing of the Social Security Fairness act, which President Joe Biden to formally signed into law on January 5th, eliminating two harmful rules that have caused public servants to lose two-thirds or even the entire amount of their Social Security benefits.
The Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82, repealed both the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) that have been in place for decades.
Over 2 million retired public employees, spouses, and survivors affected should receive an average monthly increase of $360 with the elimination of the WEP/GPO. Those affected will also be made whole for 2024 and will also receive a lump sum payment for the funds they would have received last year.
With the endorsement and advocacy of unions like the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) and its allies in labor, the House passed H.R. 82 in November followed by the Senate December with a 70-26 vote.
NFFE thanks the bill’s sponsors – Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Garret Graves (R-LA), for their leadership in sponsoring the Social Security Fairness Act. We also thank Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Susan Collins (R-ME), for spearheading the fight in the Senate.
For those who previously filed for Social Security benefits that are currently partially or completely offset, “At this time, you do not need to take any action except to verify that we have your current mailing address and direct deposit information if it has recently changed. Most people can do this online with their personal my Social Security account without calling or visiting Social Security,” the agency announced on its website.
For those who have not previously filed for Social Security benefits, “If you are receiving a public pension and are interested in filing for benefits, you may file online at ssa.gov/apply or schedule an appointment.”
“For decades, NFFE and organized labor have fought for the elimination of the WEP and GPO, which have unfairly robbed this country’s public servants of their deserved retirement security,” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “It took a long-fought collective effort to finally get this law fixed. I couldn’t be more proud of our staff and our members who never gave up on this fight. Thank you President Biden for supporting for public servants and signing this bill into law.”