Internal NFFE News
September 18, 2024
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) continued its momentum from an excellent first day of convention in Minneapolis. On Tuesday, delegates heard from another packed speaker list with incredible insight from influential labor leaders.
Chris Godfrey, Director of Workers’ Compensation Programs at the Department of Labor (DOL) discussed the work his office has done with NFFE to expand coverage for injuries and illnesses to federal employees. This includes developing a special program for federal wildland firefighters and first responders receiving care for additional presumptive illnesses.
Rob Shriver, Acting Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), spoke to delegates about his long career as a union lawyer and his efforts with OPM to ensure that federal employees are properly compensated when required to temporarily perform higher-graded duties. At the recommendation of NFFE and other unions, OPM was able to pass a regulation to enact this policy.
Delegates also heard from NFFE Executive Director on the dangers of Project 2025, Zach Gittlen with the Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines, Susan Tsui Grundmann, former NFFE General Counsel and current Chair of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, and NFFE Deputy General Counsel Yvette Piacsek on her incredible work at the bargaining table.
The afternoon sessions consisted of panel discussions on organizing and recruiting, local representation, and NFFE’s representation of corrections employees.
To celebrate the birthday of NFFE 107th year fighting for federal employees, delegates enjoyed birthday cake. This year was extra special, as NFFE was honored by DOL, being inducted into the department’s Century of Service Honor Roll of American Labor Organizations. The distinction is given to labor unions that are highly influential in the American labor movement who reach their 100th anniversary.