How to Plan an Organizing Event
Union events are great opportunity to educate and promote growth within the union. Below you will read about different types of union events that have proven successful amongst NFFE-IAM locals.
Click for step-by-step instructions to planning an organizing event at your local.
Lunch and Learns are by far the most popular union event. The mid-day event is where members and not-yet-members are invited to come, have lunch, and learn about how the union is protecting the rights of workers. During these events, employees are given the opportunity to hear from local union representatives and guest speakers such as: NFFE-IAM National Leadership and National Business Representatives, Organizers, Attorneys, and other NFFE-IAM Staff.

New Employee Orientation (NEO): Depending on your local union collective bargaining agreement, local union officers may be allowed to give a union presentation to new hires during orientation. NEOs represent the best possible time to bring new employees into the union because for many employees, orientation is the only time the union will have a worker's undivided attention to talk about the union. It’s a time where union leaders can educate new employees on the importance of union membership and the benefits of it.
If your local is interested in hosting a Lunch and Learn, contact your National Business Representative.
Member Appreciation Events: Membership Drives, are focused efforts to connect with members and potential members. They are usually distinguished by specific reasons for people to attend (e.g. a free lunch from the Union) and a goal the Union hopes to achieve.
These events can be coordinated by local on-site officers. They can set up by staff members from NFFE National. If your local is part of a council, they could be run by a visiting officer from your council.

Build Your Own Bulletin Board
Aside from local union representatives, the local union's bulletin board is the next best way to keep members and not-yet-members informed in things happening within NFFE-IAM at the local and national level. It is important to keep the bulletin board updated with the latest NFFE flyers and contact information. Remember: A cluttered and/or static bulletin board will not be read so it is important to switch out flyers and other union information from time to time.

- Contact information for Local Union and National Union Representatives (See Example)
- Time and Date of Monthly Membership Meetings
- Current NFFE-IAM Flyers and other Organizing Materials (Available Here)
- NFFE-IAM Website and Social Media Information