April 21, 2010
This morning, NFFE Legislative Director Randy Erwin sat down with Federal News Radio’s Mike Causey to discuss the Federal Employees and Uniformed Services Retirement Equity Act of 2010 (H.R. 4865),…

April 9, 2010
Yesterday, NFFE National President William R. Dougan submitted testimony to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health, urging the extension of full collective bargaining rights for Veterans’ Administration…

April 8, 2010
In a press release issued yesterday, the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) announced that it was partnering with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to offer training on the…

April 7, 2010
Last week, NFFE Local 1 member Millie Hughes-Fulford was profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle, Northern California’s largest newspaper, for her research on outer space and its impact on the…

April 1, 2010
This week, the White House held a first-of-its-kind forum on workplace flexibility, inviting leaders from business, labor, government, advocacy groups, and average working people to share their ideas on how…

March 31, 2010
The Office of Personnel Management on Tuesday reminded agencies that the clock is ticking on a three-year grace period for a rule that bars federal employees from stockpiling compensatory time…

March 31, 2010
Last week, seven representatives from NFFE Locals 1840, 1855 and 1697 came to Washington, DC to lobby their members of Congress on issues impacting USFS Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) centers…

March 26, 2010
This year’s first edition of NFFE’s quarterly newsletter, the Federal Employee, is now available! What’s Inside: Defense Making Progress on the Phasing Out of NSPS White House Calls for Pay…

March 19, 2010
Applications for this year’s annual FEEA Scholarship competition must be postmarked by Friday, March 26th, in order to be eligible for the Richard N. Brown Memorial Scholarship and hundreds of…

March 17, 2010
NFFE National President William R. Dougan and National Vice President Timothy Ostrowski met with key leaders at a Congressional breakfast last week to discuss a broad array of issues impacting…