Internal NFFE News
June 7, 2024
With just over 100 days until NFFE’s 52nd Convention kicks off in Minneapolis, MN, local lodges should be making plans now to ensure their members’ voices are heard at this important meeting.
Convention will begin on Monday, September 16th at 9am and end at the completion of business on Thursday, September 19th. Delegate registration will be held on Sunday, September 15, with late registration available the morning convention begins. The Veterans Administration and Forest Service Councils will convene on Saturday, September 14th to conduct their conventions and elections.
To prepare for convention, there are a few deadlines of which locals and members should be aware. First, and most importantly: local lodges should accept nominations for their convention delegate(s) at their June meeting. At the July local lodge meeting, locals should vote on who will serve as convention delegates. All records of nominations and voting should be captured in the meeting minutes.
Once your local has established who it plans to send to convention, the next step is filling out and sending in the corresponding credentials. Your local will receive one credential per vote. Credentials and detailed instructions will be mailed no later than June 28. Credentials should be mailed to NFFE Headquarters at 1225 New York Avenue, NW, #450, Washington, DC 20005, and a digital copy should be sent to nffeconvention2024@nffe.org.
The deadline to book your hotel at the discounted group rate is Thursday, August 29, but please reserve your room early to ensure you do not miss the cut off. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at (612) 677-1100 (mention “NFFE” to book the group rate) or by booking online using the following link:
Locals should also be aware of the following deadlines as they prepare for convention:
July 18, 2024: Proposals to amend bylaws and resolutions due
August 23, 2024: All credentials should be received at NFFE National
August 29, 2024: Last day to book room at group rate ($148)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your local’s preparation for convention, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Business Representative or send your inquiry to nffeconvention2024@nffe.org.