Day of Action a Big Success as Capitol Hill, Media, Change Tune on Federal Employee Compensation Cuts


The results from Federal Employees Day of Action are in, and they’re big.

In little more than a day, federal employees wrote more than 1,000 letters to over 200 Capitol Hill offices, made countless more phone calls, and put the issue of stopping federal workforce cuts back on the media map. In that same span, well over a dozen media outlets published print, digital, and radio stories on the event, including three articles from the Washington Post, an interview on Federal News Radio, and an article in the Federal Times. (Read them here)

Federal employees from across the country stood up, spoke out, and were heard where it counts. The message: Federal employees have already sacrificed enough, and we won’t take it anymore.

At a time when federal employees are often portrayed as the scapegoat for our budget issues, your efforts effectively changed the story. It wasn’t the usual anti-federal employee distortions making headlines, but your message – the right message.

This, brothers and sisters, is the power of collective action. When federal employees work together, when their unions work together, big things can be accomplished – things larger than any one person or one union could achieve on their own. We achieved something great Tuesday, and it was your efforts that made it all possible.