Employee Free Choice Act Reintroduced: Ask Your Elected Leaders to Support EFCA Now!


On March 10, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Rep. George Miller (D-CA) reintroduced the Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 1409/S. 560), a bill that will restore Americans’ right to organize and join a union without being subject to harassment by their employers.

The Employee Free Choice Act will strengthen penalties against employers who break the law during union organizing campaigns. It will allow employees to request mediation if a first contract is not reached within 90 days. Finally, it will give workers the choice to gain union recognition through either majority sign-up or an NLRB election.

“This is the most important piece of legislation impacting working families in decades,” said National President Richard N. Brown. “The outcome of this debate will mean the difference between a revitalization of the American middle class, or more of the same for working families.”

The Employee Free Choice Act likely has enough support for a simple majority passage in both the House and Senate, but the legislation faces an almost inevitable filibuster in the upper chamber. It will take 60 Senate votes to overrule a filibuster and bring the bill to a final vote.

Big business is pulling out all the stops to make sure that EFCA does not pass, and they are pouring millions of dollars to pressure key legislators not to support the bill. Though we may not be able to match their financial resources, we and our brothers and sisters in the labor movement have strength in numbers, a resource on which you cannot put a price tag.

“At the very heart of the labor movement is the concept of coming together with other hardworking men and women to secure a better future for ourselves and our families,” said Brown. “The Employee Free Choice Act will give every American a fair chance to bargain for a better life. Brothers and sisters, this is what the movement is all about.”

President Obama has pledged to sign the Employee Free Choice Act if it reaches his desk. Now is the time to call, write, email, or meet with your Senators and House Members to let them know the importance of supporting this legislation. The time to act is now.

For more information on the Employee Free Choice Act, visit NFFE’s EFCA Page.

Click Here to Tell Your Elected Officials to Support the Employee Free Choice Act