Internal NFFE News
July 8, 2024
In just over two months, NFFE will host its convention in downtown Minneapolis, MN. Delegates from all over the country will convene to shape the future of our union by sharing their voices and electing our leaders.
To participate, local leaders must elect a delegate(s) to either attend the upcoming convention in September or identify another delegate to carry the local’s votes. If your local plans to attend convention, July is the deadline to elect delegates. At this month’s local lodge meeting, membership can vote on who will be attending. If the local lodge is not able to send delegates, it is important to reach out to your Business Representative or Council leadership (if applicable) to inquire about signing over your local’s votes to another delegate who will be in attendance. If your local’s delegate race was not contested, the lodge does not need to take any action this month.
Credentials were mailed to locals at the end of June and should have arrived by now. Locals with 1-49 members will receive two credentials; 50-99 members three; 100-149 four; 150-199 five and so forth. The number of credentials each local will receive was calculated with the membership numbers reported via remittance reports for the last pay period in May. If you have not received your local’s credentials or if you have an issue with the number sent, please contact nffeconvention2024@nffe.org.
On Thursday, July 11 at 2pm EST NFFE National will be hosting a Zoom meeting for all members to discuss how to fill out your credentials. We will also be accepting general questions about convention from the audience.
As your local prepares for convention, please keep in mind the following deadlines:
- July – local delegate elections (monthly local lodge meeting)
- July 18 – amendment and resolution proposals due
- August 23 – credentials due at HQ (please send digital copy to nffeconvention2024@nffe.org and mail hard copy to 1225 New York Avenue NW #450, Washington, DC 20005)
- August 29 – deadline to book hotel at group rate. Click the link here to book or call (612) 677-1100 (mention NFFE)
For more information about out host city, the beautiful Minneapolis, MN, check out NFFE ‘s new convention website. Information on events, restaurants, and parking can all be found here: