Happy 4th of July from NFFE President Randy Erwin

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Internal NFFE News

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we celebrate the birth of our nation, I want to take a moment to reflect on the significance of the 4th of July and its connection to the principles of our democracy. This day serves as a reminder of the collective power we possess as workers, and the tireless efforts made by our predecessors to establish an enduring nation founded on the principles of freedom, justice, and equality.

The 4th of July is not only a day for fireworks and barbecues, but also a time to honor the democratic values that form the very foundation of our union. Democracy represents our collective voice and the right to shape our own destinies. As union members, we understand the importance of coming together, advocating for our rights, and ensuring fair treatment and representation for all workers. This celebration is an opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment to these principles and to the progress we have made through unity and solidarity.

Let us remember that democracy is not a stagnant concept but an ongoing journey. It requires our active participation and engagement in shaping the future we envision. As we celebrate this 4th of July, let’s pledge to protect the principles of democracy and work towards a society that upholds the values of equality, justice, and opportunity for every individual.

May this Independence Day serve as a reminder of our shared responsibility to strengthen and protect the democratic ideals that have propelled our nation forward for nearly two and a half centuries. I wish you all a joyous and safe celebration of 4th of July!

In Solidarity,




Randy Erwin
National President
National Federation of Federal Employees