Monday, September 3, 2018
There is a lot to celebrate this Labor Day. The NFFE legal team took us to victory in U.S. District Court to rescind three illegal Executive Orders (EO) issued last May. The three EO’s violated statutory law that protects federal employees’ rights to representation in the workplace. In a complex 122-page decision from the court, NFFE coalition legal arguments were cited throughout, giving credence to our legal strategy that was the product of the solidarity and brainpower of the coalition unions. NFFE Associate General Counsel Suzanne Summerlin co-litigated the case in court along with Richard Hirn, lawsuit coalition partner and attorney for several federal labor organizations. The thirteen-union coalition was the only lawsuit of four that challenged all three Executive Orders, ultimately providing the win that validated our system of checks and balances on presidential overreach.
Meanwhile, President Trump came through on his promise to propose a base pay and locality pay freeze for FY 2019. He claims the freeze is necessary due to the ‘serious economic conditions’ of the country, yet every second presidential Tweet exults a hot economy. The fight for our 2019 pay raise is far from over but Trump’s actions continue to demonstrate the fragility of the employment and financial security of federal employees. NFFE and other federal unions, and the memberships of these unions, are the only ones fighting for pay, earned benefits and workplace protections.
In the month of September, I ask you to find one person to join NFFE. It is NFFE dues paying members that made our recent victory possible over the illegal Executive Orders. It is dues paying members who make the fight possible for pay and benefits. Tell a colleague about NFFE’s role in protecting their future, and mention we have a great package of membership benefits, too!
NFFE is in its 101st year of operations. As the First Federal Union, members can feel proud of our recent victories and NFFE’s historic role over the last century in creating a professional, apolitical career workforce, one that offers opportunity and advancement to anyone who accepts the challenge of serving the American people. We are the First. We are together. We are strong.
This Labor Day, show your solidarity by participating in an event to support labor-friendly candidates. See a list of events in your area HERE.
-President Ronald Reagan, Labor Day Speech at Liberty State Park, September 1, 1980
Correction: An e-mail blast that went out earlier today containing National President Erwin’s message on Labor Day, contained a typo that has since been corrected. The corresponding print version of the message w/the correction is above.