Less Than a Month to Convention!

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Internal NFFE News

August 21, 2024

With less than a month before the start of NFFE’s 52nd Convention in Minneapolis, MN, NFFE National and locals throughout the country are busily preparing. This week, locals are finalizing their delegate preparations to ensure all credentials make it to NFFE, and their memberships’ voice is heard at convention.

All credentials are due at NFFE National by Friday, August 23, 2024. Before mailing your local’s credentials, be sure to scan a copy of each credential and send to nffeconvention2024@nffe.org. The white copy of the triplicate credential form should be mailed to NFFE National at 1225 New York Avenue, NW, #450, Washington, DC 20005. The yellow copy should be retained by the delegate, and the pink copy should be saved by the local.

As your local and its delegates prepare for convention, please be aware of the following important deadlines:

Friday, August 23: Credentials dues at NFFE National

Thursday, August 29: Last day to book your hotel room at the government rate: Book Here

While NFFE is still finalizing speakers and trainings for our upcoming convention, delegates who are interested in learning about the basic agenda can find a draft schedule here: Basic Draft Agenda.

Whether your local plans to attend convention or not, it’s important to reach out to your Business Representative or NFFE National to have a conversation about how to ensure your local’s voice is heard at convention.