NFFE Thanks Dave Stamey for Over 30 Years of Service to the Union


Internal NFFE News

July 30, 2024

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) extends its gratitude to Dave Stamey, who resigned as National Secretary-Treasurer earlier this month, capping a long career as a NFFE member and leader.

Stamey was a NFFE member for over 30 years, serving as a Steward, Chief Steward, Vice President, and President of Local 1563. He was also elected as Vice President of the Forest Service Council. After joining NFFE staff as a National Business Representative in 2009, Stamey negotiated 14 collective bargaining agreements at six different agencies, and managed numerous arbitrations and administrative proceedings such as unfair labor practice charges.

Since being elected as National Secretary-Treasurer in 2016, Stamey dutifully managed the budget and finances of NFFE, as well as human resources, building and office issues. He helped NFFE battle an anti-union White House for the first four years of his tenure as Secretary-Treasurer, in addition to helping navigate the union through the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that NFFE faced amidst a global pandemic. At the time of his departure, NFFE is as financially secure as it has been in decades.

“Over the past thirty-plus years, I have been incredibly fortunate to do work that helps others, and this has been a deeply rewarding journey,” Stamey said via email. “My hope is that I have positively impacted some people’s careers and have been a steadfast advocate for our cause. We only have one life, and I am proud of the positive experiences and achievements we’ve shared within the Forest Service Council and through my professional role with NFFE. These experiences have been not only interesting and challenging but also immensely successful and fulfilling.”

“Dave has given his career to making NFFE a better union,” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “For more than three decades, Dave has been a valuable asset to his colleagues, his local, and NFFE as a whole. I thank Dave for his service and dedication to this union. We are better off because of his contributions over the years. I wish him nothing but the best in his future plans and during retirement.”