NFFE Veterans Affairs Council and Local Presidents Meet with VA Secretary McDonough

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Internal NFFE News

October 10, 2023

Each year, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) Veteran’s Affairs Council invites local presidents to visit the VA Central Office and discuss initiatives and programs that are being implemented. NFFE VA Council President Jeff Shapiro selects around 15 local presidents to visit and meet with key administrators, such as the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the VA. Over the three-day period, different Subject Matter Experts are invited to discuss current initiatives. This year, discussions included topics like the PACT Act and the Office of Nursing Services. This provides an opportunity for the VA to receive feedback from NFFE members on new implementations and rework them accordingly.

VA Secretary Denis McDonough attended this summer’s meetings, and NFFE welcomed the opportunity to continue work with him. According to Shapiro, in the past these meetings have been very significant to management and employees alike, and this year was no different. Shapiro said that Secretary McDonough and his staff are very labor friendly and are making a clear effort to engage with unions.

“Meeting with the Secretary, but also getting to meet with local presidents from all over, and the relationships we build are so important,” said Shapiro. “I can never be more proud of my brothers and sisters who attend those meetings, who ask the relevant and important questions. It brings the heart and soul of labor to the table for management to understand our needs to support our veterans and the missions that we serve.”

“The most important aspect of being a NFFE member is having the opportunity to make a difference in the workplace,” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “Through meetings like these, our brothers and sisters can meet face to face with the leaders of their agencies to discuss necessary improvements for employees, as well as their important missions. Thank you to all our presidents from Veterans Affairs facilities across the country for your efforts on behalf of your local members. NFFE looks forward to continuing our work with Secretary McDonough to improve the agency for our VA professionals and the Veterans they care for.”