NFFE Works with Congress to Permanently Safeguard South Jersey FAA Technology Center


Internal NFFE News

May 28, 2024

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is proud to announce that the William J. Hughes Technical Center will remain in Southern New Jersey as a result of the Federal Aviation Administration (FFA) Reauthorization Act of 2024 passing earlier this month. The facility will also be renamed the William J. Hughes Center for Advanced Aerospace, more accurately reflecting the center’s role in research and development as the FAA tests new aviation technologies.

“This is a huge win for the dedicated aviation professionals of NFFE Local 1430, as well as the thousands of FAA workers represented by NFFE and the IAM at the Hughes Center” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “Not only does the FAA Reauthorization ensure that the facility will remain permanently operational in South Jersey, but it also guarantees local control of the campus and prevents privatization.”

In 2021, NFFE worked with Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) to defend the facility from a break up of the center’s research, development, testing, and evaluation operations, which could have led to privatization and outsourcing of inherently governmental jobs. With the 2024 Reauthorization, NFFE has now secured the autonomy of the facility and protected the positions held by NFFE members.

“Over the last couple years, NFFE has worked closely with both Democrats and Republicans to safeguard the Hughes Center,” continued Erwin. “Now that the facility has been permanently authorized, NFFE members can continue and expand on their work to maintain the United States’ position as a global leader in aviation safety and technology. Thank you to Congressman Jeff Van Drew and the New Jersey delegation for your leadership in prioritizing the Hughes Center and NFFE members.”