NFFE’s National Convention is Only Two Months Away — Be Prepared!


With NFFE’s 50th National Convention less than two months away, staff and members alike have been busily preparing to ensure a smooth and efficient week of important union business. Delegates from across the country will convene in sunny Orlando, Florida from September 25-29, 2016 to receive training from highly experienced federal labor relations specialists, review the bylaws that will direct our work for the next four years, and elect the officials who will lead our union into the future.

As your Local prepares its delegates for attendance at our convention this fall, please keep in mind several important deadlines.

All convention proceedings will take place at the Lake Buena Vista Palace Resort. Attendees who elect to book within the block of rooms reserved for delegates have until August 22, 2016. The rate for delegates is $115 per night. Rooms in the block are filling up quickly and the hotel will likely reach capacity before the booking deadline, so don’t wait to reserve your room. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at (407) 827-2727 or using the link below to book online:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT.

Delegates who plan to carry and cast their Local’s votes, must return their credentials to the National Office on or before September 1, 2016. Credentials were mailed in mid-July, and all local lodges eligible to carry votes to convention should have received them. If your local has not received its credentials, contact your Business Representative or the National Office. Delegates will not be permitted a seat on the convention floor without a valid credential.

Registration will open on Sunday, September 25, 2016 from 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. Registration will re-open at 7 A.M. on Monday, September 26, 2016 and close at 9:15 AM. The registration fee is $75 per delegate in attendance. Guest fees will be $50 for guests age 12 and above attending convention events. Checks/money orders are to be made payable to National Federation of Federal Employees FD-1. For more information, be sure to visit the 50th National Convention page on NFFE’s website, here.