Friday, April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Contact: Steve Lenkart
Phone: (202) 216-4458
Washington, D.C. – Today, NFFE National President Randy Erwin released the following statement after Congress approved a short-term funding measure to avoid a government shutdown.
“I am pleased to see that sanity prevailed and Congress passed a CR to avoid a shutdown. Unfortunately, it was a short-term Continuing Resolution, so we will be dealing with the same threat of a shutdown next week, and perhaps beyond that.
“The ongoing threat of a shutdown is a great source of anxiety for federal workers who may get furloughed without pay when a shutdown occurs. While politicians in Washington are posturing about whether to shut the government down, hard-working federal workers are stuck trying to figure out how to pay the mortgage when their income has been cutoff.
“It is not right to do to them, their families, or the communities in which they live. The constant threat of shutdown is something that needs to stop. The American people are not political pawns and they deserve better from their lawmakers.”