What is a National Business Representative?
NFFE’s National Business Representatives (BRs) assist locals with everything from representational duties and communications, to legislative and recruitment plans. They are highly-skilled labor relations experts, each with extensive experience representing federal employees in the workplace. They are a great resource for local officers or stewards who find themselves dealing with an issue that is outside their area of expertise. There are currently six BRs serving NFFE locals across the United States.
Amy Gollinger
ADBR/Chief of Staff
Phone: 202-288-6767
Email: agollinger@nffe.org
Roosevelt Littlejohn, Jr.
Private Sector
Phone: 202-437-5285
Email: rlittlejohn@nffe.org
Erika Santa Cruz
Private Sector
Phone: 202-285-2212
Email: esantacruz@nffe.org
Matthew Brossard
Western Region
Email: mbrossard@nffe.org
Rob Arnold
Northwest Region
Phone: 202-255-6960
Email: rarnold@nffe.org
Steve Gutierrez
Land Management
Phone: 202-716-6520
Email: sgutierrez@nffe.org
Chris Green
Southern Region
Phone: 202-251-0997
Email: cgreen@nffe.org
Jake Pannell
Eastern Region
Email: jpannell@nffe.org