September 15, 2011
A comprehensive study released this week confirmed what many federal workers throughout government have known for a long time: Federal employees are most often a better value to taxpayers than…

September 13, 2011
It has been the subject of countless discussions online, in the media, and around the water coolers at federal workplace throughout the nation: Do members of Congress get a better…

September 12, 2011
With only one short year remaining until the 49th National Convention of the National Federation of Federal Employees, it is time for NFFE Locals to start making preliminary plans to…

September 6, 2011
The first half of 2011 has been busy for the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund. After severe spring weather impacted federal employees throughout much of the southern U.S., FEEA…

August 25, 2011
NFFE National is proud to announce the new and enhanced new member and recruitment kits. These kits have been created to facilitate your efforts in recruiting and welcoming new members…

August 23, 2011
With Congress and the Administration reaching a deal to raise the debt ceiling earlier this month, the job of implementing the trillions in spending reductions appears to be well underway.…

August 18, 2011
National President Dougan and National Business Representative Steve Flory hit the road last week, visiting seven Locals in five days in the Northwest, Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains. Meeting…

August 16, 2011
NFFE is very proud to welcome our newest National Business Representative, Elizabeth “Liz” Pittaluga. A longtime unionist and Machinist, Pittaluga brings decades of labor relations and federal workforce experience to…

August 12, 2011
While getting a new member to sign an 1187 form and officially become part of your Local is a big step, it’s important to remember that your work doesn’t stop…

August 10, 2011
NFFE would like to congratulate Melissa Grenier of Menands, NY and Shannon McNichols of Harrisville, MI on winning this year’s Richard N. Brown Memorial Scholarships! Each will receive $1,000 dollars…