May 8, 2023
NFFE would like to thank the NFFE membership and all federal employees during Public Service Recognition Week. This week, we honor their commitment to their fellow citizens and the amazing work they do to make this country great.
May 4, 2023
NFFE is proud to announce that Steven Gutierrez, President of NFFE Local 1650, will serve as the new National Business Representative/Organizer (BR/Organizer) for NFFE Locals in the Western region of the United States.
May 2, 2023
A big congratulations goes out to NFFE Locals FL 1765, 1650, 2171, and 1836.
May 1, 2023
The Biden Administration announced that it plans to end certain COVID-19 vaccination requirements for federal employees and contractors, aligning with the expiration of the public health emergency relating to coronavirus on Thursday, May 11, 2023.
April 20, 2023
Today, the San Francisco regional office of the U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority announced that the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) has been successfully elected as the union representative for the hundreds of U.S. Forest Service Employees on the Cleveland National Forest in Southern California. NFFE is proud to welcome over 110 new dues-paying members to Local 1650 and the broader NFFE family.
April 20, 2023
Watch the full video of NFFE's press conference at the U.S. Capitol.
April 18, 2023
Last week, the White House and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo directing federal agencies to increase in-person work and scale back telework and remote work for federal employees when doing so would improve mission delivery and customer service. NFFE is committed to protecting telework for federal employees.
April 12, 2023
Last week, leadership from the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) spent several days in Juneau, Alaska to attend a new employee orientation for the United States Forest Service. The orientation was for new workers who will be stationed on the public lands and parks in Alaska, all of which are represented by NFFE Local 251.
April 7, 2023
Late last month, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) held a call to discuss the accomplishments of the union during 2022, and subsequent goals for 2023.
March 28, 2023
Last week, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) sent a letter to Congress to express concern on behalf of members regarding proposals to downsize the civilian workforce employed by the DoD.