September 21, 2012
The Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) honors our fallen diplomats, working to recognize their service and sacrifice by providing educational assistance to surviving children through FEEA’s Diplomatic Fund.…

September 20, 2012
With the presidential elections less than two months away, candidates have started to assert their positions on key federal employee issues. Republican nominee Mitt Romney offered his stance and other…

September 18, 2012
“Devastating impact.” “Threat.” “Destructive.” These are the words the Obama White House chose to describe the $1.2 trillion in impending sequestration cuts in a recent report detailing the automatic reductions.…

September 10, 2012
Several leading budget experts believe that next year’s massive sequestration cuts will result in furloughs and RIFs at many federal agencies, according a recent piece in Government Executive magazine. The…

September 5, 2012
As summer comes to a close, we are now less than one month away from the beginning of the 49th NFFE National Convention. Scheduled for October 1-4, 2012, the union’s…

August 31, 2012
We celebrate the proud history of all workers across the country this Labor Day. No matter what your job is, the collective efforts of us all make this nation strong…

August 31, 2012
New estimates from the Professional Services Council, an organization of government contracting firms, suggest Defense and nearly all non-Defense agencies will see cuts in the 7-8% range when sequestration takes…

August 30, 2012
(International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) This is the official announcement of the IAM’s Communicator class to be held December 9-14, 2012, at the William W. Winpisinger Education and…

August 29, 2012
Lakewood, CO – With Hurricane Isaac pummeling the Gulf Coast, the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) stands ready to assist civilian federal and postal employees impacted by the…

August 24, 2012
The winners of the 2012 IAM Newsletter and Website Contest have been released, and the results are nothing short of incredible. Of the 46 total awards granted, NFFE took home…