Biden-Harris Admin Releases President’s Management Agenda Vision, Sets Goals to Strengthen the Federal Workforce

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November 30, 2021

The Biden-Harris Administration recently released the President’s Management Agenda Vision (PMA), which sets goals for the federal workforce. According to the guidance, “The PMA defines Government-wide management priorities for all Federal agencies to improve how Government operates and performs.” The three critical areas that are the focus of the PMA include, “(1) strengthening and empowering the federal workforce, (2) delivering excellent, equitable, and secure federal services and improved customer experience, and (3) managing the business of Government to build back better.”

Of significance for NFFE, the PMA’s highest priority is empowering and organizing federal employees, including promoting employee engagement and worker’s rights. The Biden-Harris Administration promises to ensure that “every Federal employee’s job is a good job with the tools, work environment, and resources they need to succeed, and respected rights to organize, bargain collectively, and have their voices heard through their unions in agency decisions that genuinely matter.”

Further, the PMA outlines a plan to help employees be “engaged, supported, heard, and empowered, with opportunities to learn, grow, and join a union.” This builds off the President’s Executive Order on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, which aims to increase union density among federal workers. The PMA also promotes active engagement from managers and supervisors, acting in a neutral manner, so that employees’ can raise concerns with management through their union. NFFE is appreciative that the White House is supportive of unions and these guidelines will help NFFE represent our members better moving forward.

NFFE is excited to work with the White House, agency officials, and local leaders through our labor-management partnerships and other connections to help achieve the goals of the President’s PMA. The PMA represents a win for NFFE, in that the Biden-Harris Administration is taking pointed action to implement strategies that NFFE has been advocating for in support of our membership.

“The President’s Management Agenda is a clear signal that the Biden-Harris is continuing to support federal labor unions and is listening to the ideas that NFFE has brought to the table,” said NFFE President Randy Erwin. “The PMA is a bold plan to strengthen the civilian workforce and we are pleased that NFFE has the opportunity to provide input that will benefit our members over the long haul. We look forward to working with the White House to improve the federal workforce and the lives of our members.”