NFFE is encouraging all federal workers to sign this petition in support of extending health insurance benefits to seasonal wildland firefighters.
Every year these dedicated women and men protect homes and businesses from being consumed by wild fires. Many return year after year, but because their jobs are classified as “temporary” they are ineligible to buy into the government health insurance program. This is dangerous and physically demanding work. These workers have earned access to a quality, affordable health care plan for themselves and their families.
This petition drive is a true grassroots effort. It was started by a proud hotshot firefighter and NFFE member from Region 2 – not by union leadership. We commend and congratulate him on this initiative. It could not have come at a better time.
NFFE has been fighting for temporary employees in all professions for years. We believe they should get the same benefits enjoyed by permanent seasonal employees. Click here to read their struggles in their own words. At our urging, two Congressional offices are actively working to introduce legislation for a “path to permanence” that would provide long-term temporary seasonal employees with an effective path to a career position – with pension, health care, and other benefits. See http://www.nffe-fsc.org/committees/legislative/ for more information.
In addition, NFFE representatives have met with OPM officials to explore ways that health care coverage could be extended to temporary employees by administrative action – just as is called for in the petition. This Friday, NFFE National President William R. Dougan, NFFE-FSC President Mark Davis, and NFFE Legislative Director Randy Erwin will be meeting with OPM officials to continue these discussions. Will OPM hear your voices? As of this writing, 732 individuals have signed the petition. How many more will sign before NFFE meets with OPM on Friday?
This is what the union is all about – each of us doing our part, working together in solidarity for a common goal. It’s time to speak up and have your voice heard on the issue. Please do your part by signing the petition today.
Click Here to Learn More About NFFE’s Efforts to Gain Benefits for Temporary Workers