Today, NFFE President Randy Erwin sent a letter to Rep. Mark Takano, Chairman of the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs, expressing his strong opposition to Section 504 of the Veteran’s Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care and Treatment (COMPACT) Act. This provision being pushed by the Trump Administration through VA Secretary Wilkie would diminish the working conditions of VA psychologists. “As we continually battle the anti-labor actions of this administration, we must remain vigilant in opposing every adverse action,” President Erwin wrote in the letter.
In short, the provision would eliminate the rights of psychologists to bargain with management over all working conditions including schedules, assignments, career development, and implementation of pay rules. “At a time when the suicide rate among our veterans remain intolerably high,” Erwin continued, “we must not let them become fodder in an ideological battle over worker rights.”
The letter was entered into the official record as a part of a House Veterans Committee hearing on September 10, and discussions continue with congressional staff to eliminate the provision.
Read the full letter here.
Letter to Chairman of the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs