NFFE-IAM Member Jansen Robinson Leaning In to Serve his Community and Help Young People

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Jansen Robinson embodies the public service spirit of government workers. By day, he is the physical security specialist in the Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG) Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center. There, he protects the Army’s most valuable chemical and biological assets.

As daunting and impressive as that sounds, it’s only half of Mr. Robinson’s contributions to his nation and his community. His second mission is to champion education and the development of youth in his community as President of the Harford County Board of Education in Maryland

As the Board’s chief executive, Mr. Robinson is the principal advocate for 38,000 students and their parents, and he oversees 5,000 employees and educators working in Harford County schools. He sets agendas and education policies, passes the operating and capital budget, creates the strategic plan for the direction of the Harford County Public Schools System, and more.

A Vietnam Era veteran who is no stranger to adversity, these days Mr. Robinson steers Harford County schools through the coronavirus pandemic while also dealing with increased pressures in his job at APG. “Balancing both roles during this pandemic was different and somewhat challenging,” stated Mr. Robinson, “but it provided me with the opportunity to be creative as I discovered new ways to accomplish both missions.”

He has dedicated his life to improving education and keeping our youth safe. As the first person in his family to complete college, he knows the value of education. He attributes his drive and success to his parents who demonstrated the power of an education by often taking him as a child to marches, demonstrations, and meetings to promote improvements in their community’s schools, housing, job opportunities, and local food markets.

Through it all, Mr. Robinson continues to look toward the future with optimism. One of his major goals for the 52 schools in Harford County’s diverse communities is to create a steady partnership with the highly trained, highly intelligent professionals at APG. He believes that by establishing a productive level of engagement between APG and his schools, young people will get exposure to a plethora of opportunities and potential careers to help mold a pipeline for the future workforce.

“God has placed all of us here for a reason, and so I believe my reason for being here is to serve and be of service to others,” stated Mr. Robinson in a recent interview. “My faith leads me to trust that my acts of service—past, present and future—help to improve the quality of life in my community.”