Organizing Tip of the Week: Following Through with New Members


While getting a new member to sign an 1187 form and officially become part of your Local is a big step, it’s important to remember that your work doesn’t stop there. Both from an administrative and a personal side, it is vital that you follow through on bringing your new members into the union.

On the administrative end, you need to ensure that your 1187 forms are filled out correctly, completely and legibly, and that they have all of the necessary signatures. They then need to be submitted to your agency for processing. It’s a good idea to follow up with both your member and agency later, to make sure the form was processed. Verify that dues are being withheld from your new members’ paychecks, and that their name shows up on your membership list.

A copy of the 1187 form also needs to be submitted to the NFFE National Office. We send welcome letters to our new members based on the home addresses from these forms, and send important information about the union via the email addresses they provide. Every completed 1187 form we receive in the NFFE National Office also entitles your Local to a $100 reimbursement, which can be used at your discretion to aid your future recruiting efforts.

It’s important that you follow up with your new members on a personal side, too. You want them to feel welcome and that they are an important part of the union. Make sure you provide all of your new members with a new member kit, which are provided at no cost by the National Office. Be sure to give them opportunities to get involved with the Local, if they want to, and to share their ideas and opinions about your workplace, too. Every member needs to feel appreciated and respected, and that their voices are being heard.

To request new member kits, or if you have any questions about the processing of your 1187 forms, please contact your Organizing Coordinator.