January 26, 2023
Washington, D.C. – Today, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) applauds the introduction of the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act of 2023. The legislation, introduced by Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) would provide an 8.7% pay increase for federal employees next year. This number corresponds to the cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security Income payments in 2023.
“Like all Americans, federal employees and their families, in communities across the country, are being crushed by inflation,” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “As the cost of living and the price of daily necessities dramatically rise, it is critical that federal employee pay is increased at a rate that will help offset these raised costs.”
According to the Department of Labor, last year’s salaries for federal employees were severely lacking behind those in comparable positions in the private sector, as has been the case for decades. In fact, the public-private pay gap grew last year, from a 22.5% difference in 2021 to 24.1% in 2022. This pay gap leads to significant challenges in recruitment and retention within the civil service.
“Make no mistake – passing the FAIR Act would not be a pay raise for federal workers, it would simply be a pay adjustment that keeps pace with inflation so that federal employees can continue to provide for their families,” continued Erwin. “In many places across the country, it is difficult to impossible to keep critical positions within the federal government filled when the private sector offers significantly better pay. We cannot leave this country’s public servants behind – they must be paid what they are worth. That means passing the FAIR Act.
“Thank you to Representative Connolly and Senator Schatz for their continued support of federal employees. Their effort on behalf of the roughly two million civilian federal workers is greatly appreciated. We look forward to working with Congress to ensure our public servants are compensated appropriately next year and in the years to come.”