August 24, 2021
Contact: Matt Dorsey
Phone: 202-216-4451
WASHINGTON – This week, the Biden Administration announced the intended appointment of 10 new members to the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) – a Federal Labor Relations Authority branch, charged with resolving disputes when an impasse is reached between unions and government agencies during labor-management negotiations.
National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) National President Randy Erwin issued the following statement:
“NFFE is in strong support of President Biden’s picks for the Federal Service Impasses Panel. During the previous administration, the anti-union, anti-employee attitude of the White House trickled down into the agency, resulting in opinions that overwhelmingly favored management. With the wealth of federal labor-management experience President Biden’s selections possess, I am confident in their ability to fairly resolve conflicts reached at the bargaining table and restore trust in the Panel.”