Return to Work Guidance Hub

As agencies continue to plan and consider ways to change how the federal workforce performs work, using lessons learned from the last 18 months of expanded telework, flexible work schedules, and remote capabilities – the “Future of Work” is gradually beginning to take shape.

With respect to an increased percentage of employees returning to their physical workplaces, NFFE has provided input to a number of agencies and we are imploring our local, and council leaders to take active roles in bargaining and helping to construct return to work plans.

Check back here periodically for updated guidance and information for local officers.

Federal Workforce Resources

Below are helpful updates and FAQs pertinent to COVID-19 related workplace matters. The FAQs below from the Safer Federal Workforce Taskforce can all be found under the Safer Federal Workforce Taskforce FAQs link above as well.

Local officers are encouraged to contact their National Business Representative and/or the NFFE Legal Department with questions or for more guidance.

NFFE-IAM Local Officer Information

NFFE-IAM Letters on Pre-decisional Input


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