December 14, 2012
Washington politicians are at it again. If they don’t find a way to avoid the “fiscal cliff” by year’s end, federal workers could see devastating cuts to their pay, retirement,…

December 6, 2012
We are happy to inform you that space is still available in two upcoming classes at the William W. Winpisinger Center: the Basic Women’s Program and the Human Rights Training.…

December 6, 2012
The Senate this week approved its version of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, a Department of Defense (DoD) appropriations measure to fund next year’s Defense activities. The controversial bill…

December 4, 2012
The U.S. Senate Friday unanimously passed the 2012 Hatch Act Modernization Act, a measure to reform the Hatch Act for the first time in nearly 20 years. Among other key…

November 26, 2012
In a letter sent to the Congressional leadership, NFFE and other federal employee organizations urged the exclusion of federal workers from deeper cuts to pay and benefits. The message: feds…

November 16, 2012
There’s no question that NFFE’s Young Federal Leaders (YFL) initiative is gathering steam. At locals throughout the country, YFL materials are starting to make their way onto local bulletin boards,…

November 13, 2012
One of the many benefits of NFFE membership is exclusive access to discounted products and services through organizations like Union Plus, Apple, and Geico. Arguably the best benefit offered to…

November 12, 2012
Bob Dylan once mused “You don’t got to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” In other words, you don’t need to be an expert to know…

November 9, 2012
Veterans Day is a day to celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to sacrifice for the common good. It provides an opportunity for…

November 9, 2012
Winning by a count of 303 electoral votes to Republican opponent Mitt Romney’s 206 (Florida’s 29 EV’s are still outstanding), Barack Obama cinched a second four-year term as President of…