April 30, 2012
At a time when pay is frozen, retirement benefits are being trimmed, and massive job cuts are on the table, this story is certain to make every federal employee across…

April 29, 2012
NFFE is proud to announce that Morgan Huffman, son of NFFE Local 1861 Herbert Huffman, was chosen as a winner of this year’s IAMAW Scholarship competition! The Executive Council of…

April 26, 2012
The Senate Tuesday rejected an amendment to the Postal Reform Bill that would have protected the federal employees’ workers compensation program. Failing by a vote of 46-53, Sen. Daniel Akaka’s…

April 24, 2012
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform last week approved a bill, H.R. 4363, that would give federal workers approaching retirement the option to work part time before ending…

April 23, 2012
Many federal employee critics are quick to suggest that federal retirement benefits are bloated, overly generous, and unnecessary. Others are calling for their immediate repeal, and instead replacing them with…

April 20, 2012
In an unexpected move Tuesday, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) reintroduced the Simpson-Bowles Plan as his committee’s budget resolution, rather than creating a new budget framework, as expected.…

April 16, 2012
Twenty-seven NFFE Forest Service Council (FSC) officers and stewards met in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, April 10-12 for basic training in labor relations. A blend of new stewards and officers, in addition…

April 16, 2012
NFFE is proud to announce that our union is taking the fight for federal workers’ rights to a new frontier on the web: Twitter. You can follow our Twitter page…

April 12, 2012
Wednesday, NFFE National President William R. Dougan joined Washington, D.C. News Channel 8’s Morris Jones to discuss House Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s FY 2013 budget proposal. As NFFE reported…

April 6, 2012
This week’s tornadoes devastated communities across North Texas and the forecast across much of the Midwest leaves the possibility of more severe storms in the coming days. FEEA reminds federal…