August 5, 2011
When Congress and the Administration came to an agreement to raise the federal debt limit earlier this month, both parties agreed to formulate a bipartisan committee to find $1.5 trillion…

August 5, 2011
As NFFE representatives, our duty is grow our Locals and provide them with the quality representation that our members expect of us. However, carrying out these essential union functions can…

August 4, 2011
With 4,000 FAA employees furloughed and set to receive just half a paycheck next week, we want to be sure employees know FEEA is here to help. No-interest loans of…

August 3, 2011
Over the past several months, dozens of federal employees have shared their stories of public service with the new ‘I am a Federal Employee Blog,’ at www.iamafederalemployee.org. Everyone from DoD…

August 2, 2011
The Office of Personnel Management will be issuing the 2011 Federal Employee Benefits Survey (FEBS) this summer for the first time since 2006. Please see the letter below for details…

August 1, 2011
Sunday evening, President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner announced that a deal had been reached to raise the federal debt limit and avoid a catastrophic default.…

July 26, 2011
(United States Air Force) HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. — Members of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE), Local 1384, at Hanscom recently gave up a vacation day to…

July 26, 2011
In the past several weeks, there has been a great deal of chatter and speculation regarding the government hitting the federal debt limit. More recently, the focus has turned to…

July 22, 2011
Faced with relentless attacks on federal employees in the media and Congress, NFFE members from around the country are taking a pro-active approach to changing the public’s perception of the…

July 20, 2011
In a world where information travels fast and misinformation travels faster, it is essential that Unions are making their message heard on the air, in print, and in the workplace.…