August 23, 2012
Wednesday, NFFE National President William R. Dougan joined Federal News Radio’s Francis Rose to discuss the recently announced federal pay freeze extension. Covering everything from federal pay to promoting the…

August 23, 2012
As many of you have likely heard by now, earlier this week the White House issued a letter to Congress calling for a three-month extension of the federal pay freeze.…

August 16, 2012
For the past several years, the nation’s most widely circulated newspaper, USA Today, has published high profile stories disparaging the pay and benefits of federal employees. One story claimed federal…

August 15, 2012
As union sisters and brothers, we understand that there is strength in working together toward common goals. In this spirit NFFE was a founding member of the Federal Employee Education…

August 14, 2012
The NFFE National Office today released a detailed agenda for members planning to attend the 49th NFFE National Convention in Portland, Oregon. Attendees and other non-attendee members can access the…

August 8, 2012
NFFE’s 49th National Convention is less than two months away. By now, locals should have received their credential forms, and started making arrangements for delegates to represent their members in…

August 4, 2012
Attention federal employees: if you are looking for an uplifting story to buoy your spirits this weekend, shut down your computer immediately. To date there have been a long list…

August 2, 2012
Good news, federal employees: It appears we will not have another government shutdown scare when the fiscal year expires on September 30, 2012. According to Government Executive, Congressional leaders from…

July 27, 2012
In a Congressional hearing Thursday, Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) warned of the dire consequences facing the Department of Defense and its employees if $56.7 billion in scheduled sequestration cuts were…

July 24, 2012
According to a recent article in the Federal Times, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published a new regulation last week extending eligibility for FEHB and FEDV insurance benefits to…