March 5, 2020
In May of 2018, President Trump issued three Executive Orders (EOs) designed to target federal employees and their right to actively participate in a union. NFFE-IAM, alongside eleven other federal…
February 13, 2020
Ignoring a century of complementary relationships between union workers and the Defense Department, the leaked January memo refers to an obscure authority allowed under national security law that can supersede labor law when the president, or in this case, the now-delegated secretary of defense, feels labor rights interfere with the interest of the nation.
February 13, 2020
This week, the White House released its budget proposal for fiscal year 2021 detailing how it sees the future of the Executive Branch and the government writ large. While the White House budget proposal is viewed as a largely ceremonial practice fraught with political messages, it also carries strong notions of what the president may allow or veto in that year’s appropriations bills.
February 7, 2020
The IAM Organizing Department succeeded in expanding the IAM’s footprint in the health care industry when an overwhelming majority of doctors, dentists, nurses, dieticians and other health care-related professionals at…
February 4, 2020
Last week, leadership and staff of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) met at its annual organizing and recruitment strategic planning session at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education…
February 1, 2020
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is proud to announce that Max Alonzo of NFFE Local 376 will serve as the new National Business Representative/Organizer (BR/Organizer) for NFFE locals…
January 30, 2020
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is proud to announce that Charles “Chuck” Vickery, vice president of NFFE Local 1442, Letterkenny Army Depot, in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, has been appointed…
January 23, 2020
Not many people can claim to have had a bigger influence on the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) than Gary Johanson. Gary, who retired from his National Business Representative…
January 20, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day of remembrance of one of the greatest civil rights and racial equality advocates in the history of the United…
January 13, 2020
Shortly after Christmas, U.S. Forest Service employee and NFFE Local 2086 member Brian Stearns received the call to deploy to Australia to assist overwhelmed firefighters who are fighting one of…