NFFE Newsroom

  • Tell Congress: No Shutdown! Do your job!

    Federal employees are on the menu again as political posturing overtakes good governing.  The latest battle between the White House and both parties in Congress may lead to a partial…
  • NFFE Member Update: Shutdown Threat Pushed Back to Dec. 21st

    Shutdown Threat Pushed Back to Dec. 21st  Ah, Washington in December.  It is a special place where one can feel winter’s gentle embrace amidst the jingle of charity bells and glistening…
  • NFFE Leaders Chart Nationwide Organizing Plan for 2019

    This week, a group of National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) leaders, including national business representatives, National Executive Council (NEC) officers, headquarters staff, organizers, benefits providers, and council representatives, gathered…
  • NFFE Swings Hard at Federal Salary Council Attempt to Blur Pay Gap

    On Tuesday, November 13, the Federal Salary Council (FSC) of the Office of Personnel Management held a public hearing to debate, among other issues related to federal pay, whether to…
  • Veterans Day Message from NFFE National President Randy Erwin

    (From the Desk of NFFE National President Erwin) This Sunday is Veterans Day.  It gives me great pride to recognize and honor the millions of men and women who have…
  • Exercise Your Right to Vote!

    From the Desk of NFFE National President Erwin)                                       NFFE National President Randy Erwin Brothers and Sisters, The most important midterm election of our lifetime is just days away. On Tuesday,…
  • Government Request for Expedited Appeal Denied

    On Thursday, October 18, 2018, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia denied the Trump Administration’s request to expedite its appeal of the…
  • Voter Registration Deadline

    With Election Day two weeks away, NFFE wants to ensure that all our members are registered to vote. Below you will find a chart listing the remaining states where registration deadlines have…
  • NFFE Local 12 Membership Hosts Appreciation Cookout

    On Saturday, September 22, 2018, NFFE Local 12, an aircraft maintenance local based in Pensacola, Florida revived its annual tradition of hosting a membership appreciation cookout to thank its members…
  • President Erwin Huddles with House Leadership to Set 2019 Congressional Agenda for Federal Employees

    Friday, September 28, 2018 National President Randy Erwin met with House Democratic leadership to discuss the 2019 congressional agenda to advance the interests of federal employees and unions.  On January…